Super Duper Love 假爱 ; 超级无比的爱 ; 出色的爱情
Super Duper Graphics Pack 超级绘图包
Super Duper Sumos 超级笨蛋相扑手 ; 超级骗子相扑
Super Duper Punch 漂亮的重击
Super Duper Party Pooper 超级派对屎 ; 超级扫兴
Super Duper Fly 冬奥会主题曲
Super Duper Mart 顶呱呱超市
Duper Sessions 唱片名
I just had a super-duper meal in the restaurant.
I have in my possession the super-duper secret printout of the sales figures of a bookstore.
I do think this is super duper cool though, especially as I've been working on a thing that USES it.