Phase 3: The large-scale infrastructure construction phase (2015-2025). This is a phase parallel to the second phase. In this phase, fuel cell vehicles enter the rapid market expanding period, which objectively requires the adequate supply and convenience of the hydrogenation infrastructure, especially the relative complete hydrogen stations and storage facilities. During the initial stage, the government will be responsible for the planning and demonstration projects of the infrastructures such as the hydrogen station, supplemented by investment from energy enterprises. After entering into the large-scale popularization period, the role of the government will become technical standards, safety standardsafety standards, environmental standards, competition policies and land management, and the energy enterprises will become the major provider of infrastructures such as the hydrogen station. It should be emphasized that the government should make public and fair competition policies to prevent partial market monopoly of the energy enterprises in certain regions.
During the initial stage of the Han Empire, the Military Meritocracy is the pedestal of the government.
Recent research on energy consumption and morphology evolution during the initial stage of polymer melt compounding is reviewed.
During the initial stage of oxidation, Cr decreased Fe content in the oxide scale, by which the selective oxidation of Al was promoted.