...: TiO2 薄膜;染料敏化;太阳电池;薄膜厚度;烧结时间;染料浸渍时间 [gap=1344]Key words:TiO2 thin film; dye sensitized; solar cell; film thickness; sintering time; dye soaking ..
... sensitized bacteria 敏感菌苗,致敏细菌... dye sensitized 染色敏化的 sensitized luminescence 敏化发光 ...
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell 染料敏化太阳能电池 ; 色素敏化染料 ; 电池 ; 太阳电池
dye-sensitized solar cells 染料敏化太阳能电池 ; 电池 ; 染料敏化电池 ; 能电池研发成果
dye-sensitized 染色敏化的 ; 敏化
dye sensitized solar cells 染料敏化太阳能电池 ; 染料感光太阳电池 ; 染料敏化电池 ; 染料敏化有机电池
dye sensitized phtoinitiation 染料敏化光引发
dye sensitized photoconductor 染料敏化光导体
Dye-sensitized cells 染料敏化电池
dye sensitized polymerization 染料增感聚合 ; 染料增感聚合作用
dye-sensitized photooxidation 色素增感光氧化
The double electron acceptor organic dye is used for preparing a dye sensitized solar cell.
Tests prove that the dye sensitized solar cell prepared from the double electron acceptor organic dye has the efficiency of about 6.5 percent.
The performance of the dye-sensitized cellshas improved steadily in the laboratory, Dr. Grätzel said.
在实验室,染料敏感电池的性能稳步改善,Grätzel 博士表示。