他主动对我说 » He said to me 早生贵子 » Early in your child 这个公司昨晚着火了,造成很大损失 » The company was on fire last night, resulting in huge losses ..
Wouldn't you be wondering how your child, perfect in every other way, could suddenly become a cripple at such an early age? Now let's reword the above statement.
Empower your child early to say no to some things, for example, hugging relatives, so that they become practiced in establishing healthy boundaries.
Your child should understand the differences between early decision and early action before sending in applications.
If a case of polio emerged in the community, the chances that it could spread to other children or to your child were high; so, great interest in this in the early part of this century.
如果在某个社区出现一例脊髓灰质炎患儿,那么你的孩子或者更多别的孩子,被传染的几率非常高,所以 二十世纪初的科学家们,热衷于研究脊髓灰质炎