...能还会有一个敲出价位(Knock-Out Barrier),顾名思义每周股价如果高于敲出价位,那么整单交易就提前终止(Early Termination),否则这单交易会持续到到期日最后一个周末。这方面的情况我们在这里就不加赘述。
Early Termination Clause 提前终止条款
early termination fees 提前解约费
Early Termination Fee 提前解约费 ; 终止费用
early termination option 提前终止选项 ; 提前终止合同
early termination of business activities 提前终止业务活动
early termination offence 犯罪中止
adaptive early-termination 自适应提前中止
The early termination criteria can be readily incorporated into a wide variety of fast motion estimation algorithms.
参考来源 - H.264运动估计的自适应提前退出算法·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
ResultsOf 3 pregnant women with primary pulmonary hypertension(PPH ) , 2 died during cesarean section and 1 survived after early termination of pregnancy;
Conclusion: early diagnosis, correcting blood clotting function, and early termination of pregnancy could improve the conditions of the mother and the baby.
The multi-resolution motion estimation scheme and an efficient rate-distortion model are adopted with early termination rules to accelerate the search process.