... dry cargo tramp 不定期干货船 earth equatorial plane 地球赤道平面;地球赤道面 electric boat 电力推进船 ...
... dry cargo tramp 不定期干货船 earth equatorial plane 地球赤道平面;地球赤道面 electric boat 电力推进船 ...
earth h equatorial plane 地球赤道平面地球赤道面
Earth is the only one of the inner planets with a large satellite, the orbit of which is neither in the equatorial plane of Earth nor in the plane in which the other planets lie.
Because of its oblate shape, the moment of inertia of the earth is a maximum about the polar axis and minimum about an axis in the equatorial plane.
All geostationary satellites orbit the earth in the equatorial plane at a height of 35,785 km above the equator and stand still at a fixed azimuth and altitude for an observer on the earth surface.
所有的地球同步卫星都在赤道上空35,785 km高度运行,相对于地面观测者来说,它们的方位角和高度角是始终不变的。