发音 美 ['izɪ,goɪŋ] 释义 adj. (处事)不慌不忙的,从容不迫的,悠闲的,轻松的,舒适的,舒泰的 (做事)不严格的;宽厚的;马虎的,懒散的,随便的;没精打采的;图舒服的 (脾气)随和的;心平气和的;随遇而安的 (品行)放荡的 (马)步子平稳的 [亦作 easy-going] 短语 fastidious easygoing 苛求的 easygoing happygolucky 逍遥自在的 C easygoing 脾气随和的 例句 They thought she would be popular, warm and easygoing, but not demanding anddifficult. 他们认为她会是受人欢迎的,温情的,随和的,而非挑三拣四难以追求的。 "My first impression was that he was an honest guy, easygoing, apologizing andapologizing," Chen said. "And he bowed. “他给我的第一印象是觉得他是个老实人,挺随和的,一直在道歉,”老陈说,“而且他还鞠了躬。 You bet I am proud, but what really matters to me is that she grew up to be warmand kind, with an easygoing, unassuming demeanor. 你一定会说我骄傲,但对我来说,真正重要的是,我的孩子长大了,有一颗热情善良的心,为人随和,不装模作样。