ECR-R 修订版
ECR Etcher 旋共振式蚀刻机
ECR Technology 无头连铸连轧技术
ECR ECN 工程变更申请通知
T-ECR 热蒸汽量
ECR plasma source ECR等离子源 ; ECR等离子体源
ordinary ecr 普通型电子收款机
ECR等离子源 ECR plasma source
ABBREVIATION for efficient consumer response: the use of point-of-sale data to initiate the reordering of stock from a supplier 有效客户反应; 利用销售点数据来推动供应商对存货的再订购
The ECR request is received and evaluated.
The process includes five phases, in which a specific task is applied to an ECR in each phase.
这个流程包括 5 个阶段,每个阶段都向一个 ECR 应用一个特定任务。
In the last phase, Approval of ECR, a decision on whether to approve or disapprove the ECR is made.
最后一个阶段Approval of ECR决定是否同意执行ecr。