end rhyme and internal rhyme 尾韵与行内韵
Alliteration and End-rhyme 头韵和尾韵
End-rhyme 尾韵
end rhyme arrangeme 尾韵安排
Jasmine has a strong spicy, floral aroma accompanied by a kind of end rhyme lactone kind of celery, flavors and fragrances used in daily chemicals.
Because of it the words come to an end, and yet end not; the utterance is over, but not its ring; and the ear and the mind can go on and on with their game of tossing the rhyme to each other.
Once published, his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.
It's a provisional ending. It's not a rhyme word, and so it doesn't constitute the end of a unit of sense as a rhyme word would in most heroic couplets.
It's by no means clear that The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner will end with "Love all things, great and small things."
The appearance of this semi-epic rhyme scheme here at the end of Milton's poem suggests his readiness, and he's ready only here at the end of Lycidas to embark on the epic project.