... All Records)记录方向(Record Orientation)单记录(Single Record) 数据库数据块(Database Block)使用主键(Enforce Primary Key)查询数据源类 型(Query Da ta Source Type)查询数据源名称(Query Data Source Name)查询 数据源列(Query Data Source Columns)查...
To enforce that specified keys are unique with respect to the specific time period, specify the primary key constraint BUSINESS_TIME WITHOUT OVERLAPS as the last item with the list of other keys.
要确保指定的键在特定时间段内是惟一的,可以指定主键约束BUSINESS_TIME WITHOUT OVERLAPS作为包含其他键的列表中的最后一项。
Define a primary key to enforce uniqueness for values entered in specified columns that do not allow nulls.