... Eureka 我发现了,我找到了(因找到某物,尤指问题的答案而高兴)。源于阿基米德。 By all means 一定 Theremin 泰勒明电子琴(世界上第一台电子乐器而且无须去用手弹。谢同学的小玩具) ...
14.first of all要把一切不成能的结论都消除,那其余的,不管何等(how)瑰异(odd),难以置信,也一定(be bound to)(inevitable)是无可辩驳的事实。
在一定程度上 to some extent ; partly ; to a certain extent ; in some degree
一定的 bound ; definite ; certain ; determinate
请一定要通知我 Please keep me informed ; Please keep me accused
一定要 be bound to ; be sure to ; Must Be ; be sure to do sth
他一定很爱你 Futurist Remix - Malaysia ; Futurist Remix ; he must love you much ; He must really love you
一定量 A certain amount of
一定是你 Gotta Be You ; It had to be you ; It's Gotta Be You
热力学第一定律 [热] First law of thermodynamics ; the first law of thermodynamics
你一定能找到的 You can't miss it
Now this may suggest a certain condescension both toward theory and toward literary text, which is not at all intended.
It's expensive to live in New York, so a lot of people are wealthy, but not everybody is. I'm not.
So, if you want to go at 1:00, you're welcome to do so, but please arrange it with my assistants.