十三点 ten three point ; Yungyu ; One p.m ; nitwit
第三点 Third Point ; thirdly
三点式 Three-point ; Bra Sets ; POINT
两三点 Two or three
前三点式起落架 landing gear ; [航] nose-wheel landing gear ; trigear
三点式游泳衣 bikini suit
三点式泳衣 Bikini
第三点基金 Third Point
三点式圆弧 Three Point Circular Arc
后三点式起落架 reversed tricycle landing gear ; tail-wheel landing gear
The other quick thing I want to say is that I do have office hours today from 3 to 5, so feel free to stop by if you have questions about problem-set 3 that you're finishing up.
Okay two going to three that's this, it's adiabatic, right.
So I think that's the three very critical decisions I made during the early days of Baidu.