二,电缆系列其次是与 三联 ( Triple )注射程序 系列III型电缆(Cable):300,700,1500总本金为2500,止损位2500;只会使位3000;
三联苯 terphenyl ; BTBCT ; DCTP
三联式 Symmetry Composition ; Three components
三联画 Three Studies of Lucien Freud ; TriCamera ; triptych, triptich ; triptych
对三联苯 p-Terphenyl ; paraterphenyl
麻风腮三联疫苗 MMR
脆性组氨酸三联体 FHIT ; fragile histidine triad ; FNT
三联疗法 triple therapy ; tri-combination therapy ; triple therapies
三联体 [生化] triplet ; [生理] Triad ; trimer ; dna triplet
三联体密码 [遗] triplet code ; triplet codon
All the patients of insulinoma had Whipple’ s triad and the ratio of insulin to glucose was greater than 0.3 mostly.
参考来源 - 胰岛细胞瘤18例临床分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In the third couplet, the poet describes a peaceful scene to us.
Sanlian bookstores will give young readers a Star Reader certificate and a discount card if they read any 8 books over the summer.
The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is an established vaccine also quite expensive.
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella this is an established vaccine also quite expensive.