... Idle Time 闲置时间 员工基于他们不能控制的因素而没有生产的时间 Ignorantia 不知 illegal adj.非法的,犯法的 ...
不知所措 at a loss ; at one's wit's end ; all at sea
不知名赋 Untitled Fu Poems
不知何处是他乡 feel very much at home
不知火舞 MaiShiranui ; King Of Fighter
不当家不知当家难 Those who are not involved do not appreciate how hard it is to govern
不知道 be unconscious of ; ignorant of ; Know
人而无信,不知其可也 a person cannot do without credibility.
不知火 shiranui ; Mai Shiranui ; Dekopon ; Shiranui Kazuki
不患人之不己知,患不知人也 one should learn to appreciate the wisdom of others.
He was trying, for some unknown reason , to count the stars.
I know not what the younger dreams-- Some vague Utopia--and she seems, When withered old and skeleton-gaunt, An image of such politics.
So that you're not just handed something that's entirely new to you with no idea which direction to go, we actually do set you off on an appropriate path.
When somebody invented the automobile, before you knew it everyone was driving automobiles and they all looked pretty much the same.