且读qiě jū cú。象形字。甲骨文象雄性生殖器, 是初民对生命生殖崇拜的体现。人类靠生殖繁衍,在祭祀的时候特别以此来敬献,以示怀念祖先。雄性生殖器的形象是“且”的范式。本义:《说文解字》:“且,荐也。(荐:祭献也。)”。表示进一层,相当于“尚、还”。如:既高且大、尚且、况且。 且与俎、祖同源(甲骨文同作“且”)。各加偏旁而有所区分。“且”作为根源字,则虚指化,多用于虚词。
also ; moreover ; both...and ; just ; even ; for the time being ; Qie
而且 And ; furthermore ; as well as ; at that
当且仅当 if and only if ; SF XOR OF ; iff ; tc-dtp
并且 also ; and ; in addition ; as well as
且听风吟 Hear the Wind Sing ; Listening to Wind ; KATRINA ; Kaze No Uta O Kike ; hear the wind sing(小说名)
且不说 Not to mention ; not to speak of ; geschweige denn
森且行 Mori Katsuyuki
且末机场 Qiemo Airport ; IQM
且慢 just a minute ; to wait a moment
得过且过 drift along muddle along ; drift along ; muddling through
And the rejection of this motif or this idea in Genesis 1 is pointed and purposeful. It's demythologization.
There is something insidious and culturally malicious and powerful about the social conservatism of what is thought to be his voice.
So that means that if we have three orbitals, we can only have six electrons in those complete three orbitals.