“严”是个多义词,它可以指严(姓氏), 严(中国汉字), 严(地名:严州)。
全面从严治党 An all-out effort to enforce strict Party discipline ; an all-out effort to enforce strict party discipline ; to operate the CPC comprehensively under strict discipline; to run the CPC with strict discipline
严以律己 to be strict with themselves in self-discipline ; be strict in self-discipline ; Disciplining ; be strict
严格执法 Laws must be enforced strictly ; Strict law enforcement ; Strict enforcement ; strict enforcement of law
严以修身 be strict with themselves in self-cultivation ; to be strict with themselves in self-cultivation
严以用权 to be strict with themselves in the exercise of power ; be strictwith themselves in the exercise ofpower
严格 Strict ; rigor ; close inspection
楞严经 Surangama Sutra ; surangama-samadhi-sutra ; The Surangama Sutra
严重的 severe ; serious ; nasty ; [科技] bad
尊严 dignity ; majesty ; sanctity ; Reverence
They're essentially more risky and more-- regulators have to watch them more because they're standing at higher probability- a monoline--of some major disaster.
some private schools down the area, they have a really strict uniform.