"义"是个多义词,它可以指义(汉字),义(Waldemar Krzystek执导电影),义(电影《毒。诫》推广曲),义(古代哲学概念)。
n. righteousness ; meaning ; justice ; relationship
adj. adopted
中南大学学报—社会科学版--中文目录 关键字: 法家;义;利;法[gap=676]KeyWords: legalists; righteousness; profitableness; law
《水浒传》一书中除言忠义以外,亦教人以“孝”其中写得最明显的是()_百度知道 关键词:义;孝;忠;权术;招安 [gap=404]Keywords : justice; filial piety; loyalty; power; subdued
0578中文名:口袋怪兽-皮卡丘 义 英文名: Pokemon Yellow - Italian 0579中文名:丹尼尔-甜美冒险 日 英文名: Dear Daniels Sweet Adventure Japanese 0580中文名:千年探险 日 英文名:
回声问echo question的研究-找论文网 关键词:回声问;顺应论;音;形;义 [gap=2497]Key words: echo questions; the Adaptation Theory; sound; form; meaning
奥义书 The Upanishads ; The Upanishads; Upaniṣad ; The Upanishad ; Upanishad
定义 [数] Definition ; definition ; Define ; Definitions
浪漫主义 [社科] Romanticism ; romanticism ; romanticism; Romantik; Romantisme ; Romantik
本位主义 selfish departmentalism; parochialism ; a silo mentality ; parochialism ; departmental selfishness
义务 obligation; duty ; [法] Obligation ; duty ; responsibility
因信称义 justification by faith alone; sola fide ; justification by faith alone ; sola fide
公平正义 justice ; fairness and justice; equality and justice ; fairness and justice
官僚主义 excess bureaucracy ; bureaucracy ; bureaucratism; bureaucracy
霸权主义 Hegemonism ; hegemony ; hegemonism
It often not take grammar as according to, but pursues the higher social norm, the expression word says righteousness with difficulty.
参考来源 - 毛泽东诗词的艺术语言特点及其美学价值He admitted that praxis, profit and system are logical, but he thought that human should aspire after righteousness.
参考来源 - 董仲舒的管理哲学About lofty aesthetics characteristic, it mainly displayed the three respects of strength, justice and brave in Jangar.
参考来源 - 《江格尔》的崇高美研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The government is accused of ratting on its promises to the unemployed.
Their feet will trample on the dead bodies of their perfidious aggressors.
You also read an article by Milgrom where Milgrom talks about Priestly cultic imagery serving as a kind of theodicy.
Isn't, in other words such an unreflective attachment ? to one's own bound to result in injustice to others?
So what O'Connor does, is she presents a sense of the world imbued with structure and meaning, but a structure and meaning that looks essentially blank.