... 鸟的羽毛[feather] 通“芼”。草木;五谷[grassandtree;corn] [口]中国货币单位“角”的俗称,等于一元的十分之一[mao,afractionalunitofmoneyinChina] ...
... 鸟的羽毛[feather] 通“芼”。草木;五谷[grassandtree;corn] [口]中国货币单位“角”的俗称,等于一元的十分之一[mao,afractionalunitofmoneyinChina] ...
升平十三年五谷瓶 Grain Bottle Made in 374 A.D During the Qianliang Dynasty (301-376AD)
五谷杂粮 Cereals ; Sandwich biscuit ; Whole grains ; both refined and coarse grains
五谷虫 maggot ; Oriental latrine fly larvina
五谷丰登 Bumper harvest ; Produced plenty of ; A bumper grain harvest ; Bumper Giain Harvest ; produce good harvests
五谷有收成 harvest
五谷高纤养生面包 Part
五谷类 Cereal
五谷虫干粉 Maggot powder
始种五谷 Grains
Let grain abound throughout the land; on the tops of the hills may it sway.
You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.
神的河满了水。 你这样浇灌了地,好为人豫备五谷。
Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it: thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God, which is full of water: thou preparest them corn, when thou hast so provided for it.