亚麻籽油由亚麻籽制取而成,亚麻籽是亚麻的籽实,属亚麻科,别称胡麻,因其原产于东印度地区,汉朝张骞出使西域时,经丝绸之路将亚麻带回中国,主要种植于旧时匈奴一带,是“胡人”聚集的地区,因此而得名。 冷榨亚麻籽油含有丰富的α-亚麻酸,是补充亚麻酸的最有效方法。
n. linseed oil
misc. flaxseed oil ; lin-seed oil
有机亚麻籽油 flaxseed oil ; Organic Flaxseed Oil
有机冷榨亚麻籽油 Highest Lignan Flax Oil ; Organic clod pressed flaxseed oil ; organic cold pressed flaxseed oil
酱油亚麻籽油 Linseed oil
亚麻籽油砂芯粘结 Linseed oil core binder
亚麻籽油灰 linseed oil putty
氧化亚麻籽油 Epoxidized linseed oil
美国原装亚麻籽油 Organic Flaxseed Oil
改性亚麻籽油 modified linseed oil ; norbornene linseed oil
有机初榨亚麻籽油 Flaxseed Virgin Certified Organic
This daily moisture lotion is formulated with organic Coconut, Borage and Flax oils to repair and nourish for therapeutic hydration.
The fabric could be soaked in linseed oil to make it waterproof.