... And I Told About Equality 我坚信 And It's True 人人平等 Either You're Wrong 无论你是对是错 ...
...oming a Citizen)民权:所有人的自由和正义 (Civil Rights: Liberty and Justice for All)人人平等 (All Men Are Created Equal)苏珊 马丁。也有人指出,并不是所有的美国小学都会讲像我介绍的那么多。
法律面前人人平等 people are equal in the eyes of the law; people are equal before the law ; everyone is equal before the law ; equality before the law ; All are equal before the law
死亡面前人人平等 Death is the great leveler
主张人人平等的 egalitarian
确保人人平等 ensure social equality
法律之前人人平等 Everybody is equal before the law ; equality before the law
在法律面前人人平等 Equality before the law
枪使得人人平等 Gun Makes Man Equal
根本上的人人平等 fundamental equality of all
His views are grounded on the assumption that all people are equal.
Such findings suggest that one person's equity is another's inequity, so an ideal should probably weigh different inputs and outcomes according to employee group.
We can talk about "religion-ex" since everybody is spiritually equal, but women and men actually in practice are not equal.
This was a radical concept in its day, evidently. The punishment should fit the crime, no more and no less for all free persons--granted slaves are not included--regardless of social class. Equality before the law.
If you go back to the Declaration of Independence, it doesn't say: "We Americans believe these truths to be self-evident. " It says: "We believe these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, and all men are entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happyness."