传,汉字一级字,读作chuán或zhuàn,形声字,最早见于甲骨文。本义为传递、传送。引申指传授,留传之意。以上义读作chuán。当读作zhuàn时,有驿站、驿舍,记载历史事件或个人事迹的文字,文学作品或解释经文的著作等义。 (信息栏使用参考资料: )
传 真 » Fax 我1998年毕业于上海外国语大学,毕业后一直从事英语教学工作、 » I graduated from Shanghai International Studies University ...
... aggregate a&n 聚集(的),集合(的),总计(的),共计(的) biography n 传,传记 biologist n 生物学者 ...
遗传 [遗] Heredity ; [遗] inheritance ; descend
传说 Legend ; rumor ; Tradition
传真 [通信] fax ; FAC ; phototelegraph
水浒传 Water Margin ; Heroes of the Marshes ; The Water ; Outlaws of the Marsh ; all men are brothers, a popular fiction by shi nai'an (施耐庵)
传送门 portal ; chuansong ; Warp Gate ; tp
自传 autobiography ; memoir ; self-propagation
传感器 [自] sensor ; [自] [自] transducer ; load cell ; CCD ; sensor
传染病 infectious diseases ; [内科] infectious disease ; communicable diseases ; Contagion
传统安全威胁 conventional security threats; traditional security threats ; traditional security threats ; traditional threat to security ; traditional threats to security
In data transfer sub-model, paper analyze and compare the features and functions among mulitiple data transfer protocol, propose a sterotype of using HTTP protocol as transfer protocol, providing muliti-thread and break point resume functions.
参考来源 - 异构数据传输与转换模型·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It has the Letter of Barnabus,the Shepherd of Hermas, the Acts of Paul,along with the Acts of the Apostles, and the Revelation of Peter.
And this new pharaoh will enslave the Israelites, and so embitter their lives, that their cry will rise up to heaven the same cry from the generation of the flood, the same cry from Sodom and Gomorrah.
It's not the acts of all the apostles, it's the acts basically of Paul,and Paul's not considered an apostle by the guy who wrote the Acts of the Apostles.