vt. cultivate ; foster ; support
misc. give birth to ; provide for
山东大学易学与古代哲学研究中心 基地期刊 关键词: 颐;口实;养;龟卜 [gap=1021]Key words: the hexagram of Yi; excuse; nourishment; tortoise
...】 : 早期肠道喂养 内脏功能保护 创伤 复苏 【分类号】: R656 【正文快照】: 早期肠道喂养(earlyenteralfeeding,EEF)是救治严重烧、创伤病人的有效措施之一。
收养 adoption ; The Adopted ; foster
基本养老保险 basic old-age insurance system ; basic pension plans ; basic pension plan
营养素 nutrient ; Nutrition ; [食品] nutrients
疗养院 sanatorium ; nursing home ; sanitarium ; rest home
供养 to make offerings ; feeding ; to feed ; support
营养 [生物] Nutrition ; nutri ; alimentation ; nutrition
劳动教养 reeducation through labor ; rehabilitation through labor ; Labor reeducation
劳动教养制度 the reeducation through labor system ; laojiao (or reeducation through labor system) ; reeducation through labor ; Reeducation through Labor System
创新人才培养 training more innovation-minded personnel ; the training of innovative and entrepreneurial personnel ; Innovative Talents Cultivation ; Creative Talent Education
He spent more on feeding the dog than he spent on feeding himself.
The family kept horses in the paddock in front of the house.
If a slave dies you got to buy a new machine, and while he's alive you got to feed him.
instead, he threw in a six-week-old puppy and said "keep it!" and ran away. So I got a puppy.
They just got back from World War II, they didn't want another war, they wanted to live a normal life, they wanted to have kids, and then this terrible war was coming, they thought.