n. white gourd ; Chinese watermelon
misc. wax gourd
...e,Vol.l,Cambridge Univ.Press [详细]作者:汇感农业百科 阅读:65次农业历史卷 冬瓜栽培史 冬瓜(Benincasa hispida Cogn.)是古代栽培较多的瓜类蔬菜之一。原产中国。
【正文快照】: 冬瓜(White gourd)属葫芦科植物,在我国南北各地均有种植,冬瓜瓜质鲜嫩,含有丰富的微量元素和维生素等营养成分,所含Ca、Fe等无机盐比西瓜、南瓜丰富...
《饮料工业》杂志|菠菜冬瓜汁复合饮料的研制 关键词: 菠菜;冬瓜;复合调配;饮料 [gap=591]Key words: spinach;wax gourd;compounding and formulation;drink
冬瓜茶 white goup tea ; Winter melon punch ; white gourd tea ; whellote goup tea
冬瓜属 [植] Benincasa
冬瓜糖 candied melon ; cas well asied melon ; red jujube ; melon
老鼠拉冬瓜属 Zehneria
大冬瓜 The Winter Melon Tale ; The giant gourd ; white gourd ; Big White Gourd
八宝冬瓜 eight jewelled white gourd ; eight jewelled whellote gourd
冬瓜皮 Chinese wax gourd Peel ; exocarpium benincasae ; Chinese wax gourd Peel Exocarpium Benincase ; Chinese e wax gourd peel
冬瓜鸭块 braised duck cutlets with white gourd
红烧冬瓜 Stewed winter melonin soy sauce
Transfer to a deeper pot, and add another cup of coconut milk together with the wax gourd.
You cook it in much the same way as other red curries, but there is an extra step with the wax gourd.
You need to prepare the wax gourd first by peeling it, slice it several times lengthways, remove the seeds and then finally cut into one inch chunks.