繁体字:刮 异体字:劀 简体部首:刂 部首笔画:2 总笔画:8 繁体部首:刀 部首笔画:2 总笔画:8 康熙字典笔画( 刮:8;刮:15; )
刮伤 scratch ; flaw ; Scuff ; Scoring
刮刀 [机] scraper ; drawknife ; doctor knife ; [机] [皮革] slicker ; scraper
刮骨疗毒 be braced for the pain ; Scrape the Poison Off the Bone
刮宫术 Curettage ; D dilatation and curettage ; D&C ; uterine curetlage
刮胡刀 razor ; rarizonaor ; pisau cukur ; factory refurbished
刮刮卡 Scratch card ; wow ; scratchcard ; lottery scratchcard
这一成绩令人刮目相看 this is remarkable
刮风 blow ; Wind ; cloudy ; hace viento
刮刮 Scratch ; Guiros ; scrape
三角刮刀 scraper ; [机] triangular scraper ; cant scraper
At a time when beards meant a great deal religiously, he's telling the men to shave off their beards.
And the next day, what do you know? A typhoon hit.
So, they developed this bifurcated tool, which would be appl--you'd put the stuff on the surface of the tool and then you'd scratch the skin in a certain way so that you could produce sort of a reproducible introduction of the vaccine into the skin.