国会是指全国性的议会,是实行三权分立制的国家的最高立法机关﹐不包括实行议行合一制而沿用议会或国会名称的最高国家权力机关。 一般而言,国会的权力有立法权、财政权、监督权、选举权、同意权等权力。但不同的国家国会有不同的权力
n. parliament ; congress
国会山 Capitol Hill ; Parliament Hill ; The Hill ; Congress
美国国会 United States Congress ; Congress ; Capitol Hill ; Congress of the United States
国会图书馆 Library of Congress ; National Diet Library ; Parliament Library ; Parliamentary Library
国会议员 member of congress ; parliamentarian
美国国会大厦 United States Capitol ; the Capitol ; US Capitol ; US Capitol Building
以色列国会 Knesset
国会纵火案 Reichstag fire ; Reichstagsbrand
加拿大国会 Parliament of Canada
国会大厦 Houses of Parliament ; Reichstag ; capitol ; Parliament House
After Watergate Scandal, Congress tried to save people’s confidence in government by passing a law.
参考来源 - 论美国的独立检察官制度(研究生论文)Guangdong Provincial Assembly took part in the parliament petition all over the country, which took great effect for the independence of Guangdong.
参考来源 - 试论广东谘议局After that, the U. S. Congress promulgated the "Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002" in July, 2002. (SOX in abbreviated).
参考来源 - 我国上市公司实施内部控制自我评价研究 (研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We want to cooperate with both the administration and Congress.
It was granted a monopoly on joint stock banking by Parliament in return for giving war loans to the government.
In fact, our own Senator Christopher Dodd has a bill in Congress right now to bring back the HOLC, basically.
Because he was warning Congress that there was problems down the roads, especially with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.