...仪式(the Cath-lic service),牧师也穿着长袍(R-be)。为了跟随时代的步伐,牧师们引进流行音乐,并鼓励年青的吉他手为圣歌(hymn)伴奏。另外,牧师还甚至为教区的信徒(parishi-ner)进行心理辅导和社会行为的教授。
奥林匹克圣歌 Olympic Hymn ; Olympic Anthem ; Hymm Anthem
足球圣歌 Anthem
额我略圣歌 gregorian chant ; canto gregoriano ; gregoriaaninen kirkkolaulu ; gregoriaanse muziek
颂圣歌 Sansoen Phra Barami ; Phleng Sansoen Phra Barami
圣歌精灵 Chantelise
单声圣歌 Plains Song ; plainsong ; plainchant
葛利果圣歌 Boys Gregorian
少女的圣歌 Maiden chant
奥运会圣歌 Olympic Anthem ; international olympic committee
It's not just that virgins are entitled to sing a heavenly song as Milton is saying Diodati is.
And many people have noted that it's the spirituals, the slave spirituals, that express perhaps the most authentic forms of Christian faith that this country has produced.