在制品是工业企业正在加工生产但尚未制造完成的产品。广义的在制品,就车间来讲,属于车间的尚未制成的产品,就企业来讲,指从原材料投入生产起到制成成品前的需要继续加工的一切在产品,包括各生产阶段加工中的产品和准备在本企业中进一步加工的半成品。狭义的在制品则指介于原材料与半成品之间和半成品与成品之间的产品,即处于正在各生产阶段加工中的产品,或已加工完毕尚未检验或已经检验尚未入库的半成品。它属于 《财产保险条款》中可以承保的企业流动资产。
在制品(Work In Process )是指月末结帐时仍在生产状态的产品,由于会计上按会计期间出报表的需要,因此需要将在制品的成本物化成存货,体现在资产负债表...
... second check复盘复核人 waste materials废料 work in progress product在制品 ...
...,废料及剩余物料 副产品,废料及剩馀物料 By-products, waste and the remaining material 在制品 在制品 Goods in process 原料,辅助及消耗物料 原料,辅助及消耗物料 Raw materials, auxiliary materials and consumption ..
在制品盘存 Work in process inventory
实际在制品 active work in process
预留在制品 banked work in process
期初在制品 [工经] initial goods in process ; Work in Process-Begi
在制品管理 WIP ; Work-In-Process
期末在制品 Work in Process-End ; [会计] final work in process ; [会计] final goods in process ; ending work in process
定量在制品法 CONWIP ; Constant work-in-process
在制品成本单 Production order
标准在制品 SWIP ; Stand WIP
To realize these loops, some studies are focused including online data-acquirement, management of work-in-process, visualize of production data, material match and delivery, integrating with other information systems.
参考来源 - 混流装配生产的计划排序及其执行过程管理·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
If something wrong is found upstream, or if we stop building the product, the scrap will be higher due to the in-process inventory.
In this example, WIP can be limited by defining the size of each area.
But other people have argued that there is a special module in your brain for dealing with artifacts, that is, things like tables and chairs and cars and forks.