有一个很大(Great)的外贸(Foreign trade)公司,巨大的血本实力,兵随将转,无不可用之才。作为一个管理者,你可以不知道下属的短处,却不能不知道下属的长处。
人民币汇率的英文翻译,请高手帮忙翻译一下。_百度知道 关键词】人民币升值;外贸;影响;对策 [gap=1945]Key Words】 RMB revaluation; trade; impact; countermeasures
... carriage of goods/货物运输 international trade/外贸 time charter/期租 ...
对外贸易 China’s share in global trade ; foreign trade; foreign commerce ; imports and exports
外贸顺差 trade surplus ; foreign trade surplus ; Active balance of trade ; X transit trade
外贸管理权 management power in foreign trade
外贸经营权 operation power in foreign trade
中华人民共和国对外贸易法 Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Trade ; the Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China
外贸转型升级 foreign trade transformation and upgrading
外贸体制改革 foreign trade system reform
对外贸易总额 foreign trade
对外贸易制度 foreign trade system
Foreign trade is perhaps the most accurate economic indicator.
The brightest hope for America’s economy is its foreign sales.
As a matter of fact, in the early days, Corinth was a great center of painted pottery and was the leading producer and exporter of that.
That is a new part of India's economy, and to the extent that by globalization, one needs more foreign investment and increased connection to foreign trade they are playing a role but India's economy growth is largely being driven by internal investments.