奄奄一息,汉语成语,读音为yǎn yǎn yī xī,形容气息微弱临近死亡。也比喻事物即将消亡、湮没或毁灭。出自《东周列国志》。
... make my way 前进,去…… on its last legs 奄奄一息,过时 do my bit 尽我一点绵薄之力 ...
...iAn yF wV fSng) 憔悴(qiBo cuI) 绸(chLu) 绸缎(chLu duDn)、绸子(chLu zi) 蠕动(rV dNng) 辜负(gU fX) 奄奄一息(yCn yCn yF xF) 徐徐(xV xV) 徐步(xV bX) 鞠躬(jU gKng) 感慨万端(gCn kCi wDn duAn) 慷慨(kAng kCi)、愤慨(fSn kCi)、慨然(kCi rBn) 寸草心(cX...
... deal with 处理,交易, 论述,涉及 5、on one's last legs 奄奄一息;行将就木 pull a person's leg 开玩笑;愚弄 ...
奄奄一息时 at the last gasp ; at one's last gasp
奄奄一息的孩子呢 What about children dying
奄奄一息条件 moribund conditions
奄奄一息的条件 moribund condition
需要奄奄一息 requires the moribund
他已奄奄一息了 He has been dying ; He has been a moribund ; He was almost dead
在奄奄一息 While Breathing Its Last
海龟奄奄一息 Turtles Dying
奄奄一息上 Dying On