...:该环节紧扣欧标考试的考试要求,循序渐进的根据欧标阶段进行授课,每阶段设有模考进行测量阶段教学成果,根据测试结果及时调整后期教学计划。 实践(Practice):以欧系语言考试为基准,通过主题实践活动,增加学员语感语音语调训练机会,使学员在考试中顺利取得高分。
实践理性批判 Critique of Practical Reason ; Critique of Practical Reason; Kritik der praktischen Vernunft ; Critique of Practical Reason;Kritik der praktischen Vernunft ; Kritik der praktischen Vernunft
实践智慧 practical wisdom; prudence ; practical wisdom; prudence; phronesis; prudentia ; Phronesis
实践理性 practical reason ; practical reason;praktische Vernunft ; practical rationality ; praktische Vernunft
理论与实践 Theory and Practice (by Jürgen Habermas); Theorie und Praxis ; Theory and Practice (by Jürgen Habermas) ; theorie und praxis
群众路线教育实践活动 heighten awareness of and implement the Party's mass line ; the campaign to heighten awareness of and implement the mass line ; a campaign to educate Party members about the mass line
最佳实践 best practice ; ITIL ; good practice ; the Best Practices
实践能力 ability to put ideas into practice ; Practical ability ; practical abilities ; practicing ability
实践论 on practice ; theory of practice ; Praxial ; practice theory
实践派 the Praxis Group; the Praxis school ; praxis school
Part Three: The practice of land reform in Taiwan.
参考来源 - 台湾土地改革研究When the tax revenue legal principle obtains the implementation in reality, the taxpayer has the higher enthusiastic of tax payment.
参考来源 - 行为税收引论Three methods are used in this study: method of induction, deduction and demonstration.
参考来源 - 中国证券投资基金绩效成因研究The monetary policy means that the government influences on the economy action by the central bank and the financial market impacting the supply of the currency.
参考来源 - 试析我国贷币政策的有效性ChapterⅢ: The practice of our community correction.
参考来源 - 中国社区矫正制度研究(研究生论文)Part three to prove the distribution of responsibilities in the exercise of judicial discretion.
参考来源 - 民事诉讼证明责任分配的司法裁量(研究生论文)Future-oriented Technology Analysis(FTA) refers to many kinds of theories,methods and applications with respect to future technology,such as technology foresight,technology forecasting,technology assessment and technology competitive intelligence.
参考来源 - 面向未来的技术分析概念、方法与应用研究进展In this regard, the Church Fathers held that music has a practical task.
参考来源 - 教父时期的音乐与神学关系初探Eco doesn’t satisfies the research of semiotic theory,he also practise the semiotic actively.
参考来源 - 安贝托·艾柯符号学美学探析Both of the aesthetic and praxial paradigms in music education philosophy were born and developed in the United States.
参考来源 - 音乐教育哲学的审美范式与实践范式·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.
Second explicate purpose for the education institutions is to allow students to practice and to apply what they've learnt.
So I love that link and actors are very good at that. They are good at body work
So is this something you do in your own artistic practice with when you are sitting down, writing a poem?