“客人”是个多义词,它可以指客人(韩国电影), 客人(俄罗斯名画), 客人(泛指到访的人)。
教你一眼认出英语单词的意思(太绝了,惋惜晓得太晚了)转载:家 ... hibit=hold拿,持 hospit=guest客人 idio=peculiar,own,private,proper特别的,个人的,听说惋惜晓得太晚了)转载:家长。专有的 ...
招待客人 tertaining ; Entertaining Guests ; Hosting ; to entertain guests
请客人点餐 Asking a Guest to Order
不请自来的客人 crash the gate
迎接客人 Greeting Guests ; Meeting the Tourists ; welcome the visitors ; greet one's guest
客人名单 guest ; Guest List Organizer ; ROOMING LIST ; Expected Arrival List
招呼客人 Welcome ; Apprbaching the Customer ; Greet a Guest
其它访客人次 Visitor Sessions of Unknown Origin
国际访客人次 International Visitor Sessions
And then when the guests come, we see their ideas and also share and see how people could be very very extreme and radical in their position to Israeli policies.
Well, I want to say the most memorable customers are probably the ones that we like to see come in, and
And the customer in front of you in line has so many items to check out.