山奈,别名:沙姜、三柰、山辣, 多年生宿根草本, 为姜科山奈属植物山奈( Kaempferia galanga Linn.) 的根茎,根茎块状,单生或数枚连接,淡绿色或绿白色,芳香;分布于广东、广西、云南、台湾等省区,栽培。山奈根茎为芳香健胃剂,有散寒、祛湿、温脾胃、辟恶气的功效,亦可作调味香料。在民间,山奈一直作为药食两用的植物使用,其根茎、叶常用于白切鸡、白斩鸡的食用佐料。据中国药典记载,其味辛,性温,有行气温中、消食、止痛的作用 ;用于胸膈胀满,脘腹冷痛,饮食不消。
misc. rhizoma kaempferiae
山奈酚 Kaempferol ; Kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside ; KAEMPFEROL-7-O-GLUCOSIDE ; Kaempferol 3-O-robinobioside
山奈素 Kaempferide ; ARTEMISININ
山奈苷 Kaempferitrin
垂花山奈 Boesengergia pandurata
秋山奈奈 Akiyama Nana ; Japan Girl Nana Akiyama
秋山莉奈 Rina Akiyama ; Akiyama Rina ; Rina Akiyama ....Mami a maid ; Rina Akiyama wallpapers
山奈甲黄素 kaempferide
入山杏奈 Anna Iriyama ; Iriyama Anna
西奈山 Mount Sinai ; Mount Moses ; Sinai Mountains
丸山桂里奈 Karina Maruyama
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of kaempferol on voltage-gated potassium currents in CA_1 pyramidal neurons of rat hippocampus in both normal state and acutely transient hypoxia.
Results The inhibitory effect of kaemperol on H446 cells were significantly increased with the drug concentrations(P<0.01), and the effect was in a concentration-dependent manner in vitro.
Well-known Indian sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik has been invited to take part in the World Championships of Sand Sculpture to be held in Vancouver.