拼音:yú 部首:山,部外笔画:9,总笔画:12 五笔86&98:MWGJ 仓颉:UOMN 笔顺编号:252341251122 四角号码:22221 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5D5B
山嵛醇 Behenyl Alcohol ; BEHENYL ; Docosanol ; Docosyl alcohol
山嵛酸 Behenic acid ; docosanoic acid
山嵛酸甘油酯 Glyceryl Behenate ; Docosanoic acid glycerol ester
诹嵛艺 Vera
山嵛酸甲酯 Docosanoic acid methyl ester ; Methyl Behenate ; METHYL DOCOSANOATE
三山嵛精 Tridocosanoyl Glycerol
山嵛醇聚醚 Beheneth
山嵛基三甲基氯化铵 Behentrimonium Chloride
山嵛酸钾 Potassium Behenate
山嵛菜 WASABIA JAPONICA ; Wasabia japonica Matsum
There is a greater range between black and white in any given image.
This is just about ideal for a 120 "image on a low gain screen in a dark viewing room."
The techniques of tissue culture and rapid propagation were studied by using stem with axillary bud as explants.