工艺品(英:art craft)专指工业化时代,通过机器成批量生产的,有一定艺术属性的能够满足人民群众日常生活所需,具有装饰、使用功能的商品。工艺品来源于人们的生活,却又创造了高于生活的价值。它是人类的智慧和现代工业技术的结晶。 纯手工艺制品(手作)应归属于艺术品范畴。
手工艺品 handicraft works ; artifact ; Handicrafts ; handcraft
少数民族传统手工艺品 ethnic minorities' traditional handicraft
木制工艺品 wooden crafts ; sculpture crafts ; Wooden handicraft ; Aarikka
金书工艺品 Gold book craft ; Technological craft
技术工艺品 Technological craft
金属工艺品 metal crafts ; handcraft ; Metal Sculptures ; Metal Artware
图腾工艺品 totem craft ; Gold book craft
水晶工艺品 crystal crafts ; paper crafts ; Crystal ; crystal l craft
塑料工艺品 plastic crafts ; crystal crafts ; soft pvc ; Plastic Artware
Needlework furnishings to make room for the integration is no doubt full of vigor and vitality, so that there is room for just soft, comes from a variety of nature to create a more humane nature arts and crafts room.
参考来源 - 研究女红文化与室内陈设艺术的契合·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The inn gift shop stocks quality Indian crafts and sundries.
People either rented the land from a large landowner or they were hired help who got nothing except a salary or a piece of what they did.
so she and yeah, like lots of my friends make things and have like craft stores,
Now, let me just make the last point I want to make about this, and that's that because language is material, it has form, it has both closedness and possibility, it's susceptible to the workings of craft, it's also unpredictable. Tosses mobius strip on floor.