...是希尔顿集团继承人,她出位的言行和出色的穿衣搭配为她挣足了关注度,她的一举一动无不被媒体和美国民众关注,帕丽斯.希尔顿(Paris Hilton)是少女们的模仿对象,也是现代美国文化的最佳诠释。帕丽斯.
希尔顿集团 Hilton Group ; Hilton Worldwide ; Hiltonpuorg
希尔顿酒店 Hilton Hotel ; Hilton ; Hilton Hotels and Resorts ; the Hilton
帕丽斯·希尔顿 Paris Hilton ; Paris Whitney Hilton ; ParisHilto ; pa veryris hilton
汉娜·希尔顿 Hanna Hilton
妮基·希尔顿 Nicky hilton
希尔顿团体 ilton Group
佩雷斯·希尔顿 Perez Hilton
河内希尔顿 Hanoi Hilton
希尔顿·阿姆斯特朗 Hilton Armstrong
They had a fabulous time during their week in a suite at the Paris Hilton.
Academy president Sid Ganis told nominees at the Beverly Hilton hotel on Monday to expect some daring tweaks to the telecast.
There are a lot of places you could write a diet book about, but there are many more possibilities: Brazilian, Jerusalem, Greek, The Hilton Head Diet.
有很多地方可以写,这里有更多的例子,巴西人,耶路撒冷 希腊人,希尔顿·海德饮食法
Oh, well, I think that Paris Hilton is much smarter than we give her credit for.
What do you think of people like Paris Hilton, Nicole Riche, and Lindsay Lohan?