《幸福》是由许秦豪执导,黄政民、林秀晶、孔晓振主演的爱情电影,该片于2007年10月3日在韩国上映。 该片讲述了两位身患重病的男女在疗养院见面并开始幸福的恋爱,但男方在康复后却残忍抛弃爱情的故事。
n. happiness ; felicity ; blessedness ; weal ; eudaemonia
当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happyness ; Persuit of Happiness ; The Pursuit ; The Pursuit of Happy
幸福指数 happiness index ; the happiness index
幸福终点站 The Terminal ; Happy Endings ; The term ; bexit menzili
乌云背后的幸福线 Silver Linings Playbook ; The Sliver Linings Playbook ; Silver Linings ; Happiness Therapy
幸福观 view of happiness; concept of happiness ; Happiness ; Happiness observes
人民幸福 bringing happiness to our people ; people's happiness
全球幸福 the World Happiness Index
幸福航空 Joy Air
人民幸福安康 happiness and peace for our people
He thinks that loving oneself and loving others are the ways to happiness.
参考来源 - 叩问生命 (研究生论文)Part III focuses on the Eudemonism of Kant's theory in his Moral and well-being unified view.
参考来源 - 康德幸福论研究But his eudemonism was not epicurean hedonism, because eudemonia was an activity.
参考来源 - 论亚里士多德的幸福观Acceptance for the subjective well-being to predict a positive role.
参考来源 - 爱情心理及其与人际关系满意感、主观幸福感的关系Cognition and explanation of knowledge create happy.
参考来源 - 关于整合课程知识观的研究The pursuit for wellbeing is both the basic aim for individual and for human being.
追求幸福是个体人生乃至人类族群的全部目的。 从主体的角度界说幸福,可以形成关于幸福的几点基本认识:①幸福是主体的一种生存状态。
参考来源 - 论师德修养与教师幸福·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We're glad you spent this time with us, and we hope you have a blessed and peaceful day. Take care.
To drink from this river would allow the fallen angels to forget their fallen state, to forget the fact of their fallen-ness from their more blissful former condition.
For the Greeks,on the other hand as I've said, political society was essential for living any kind of a good life.