感谢上帝让我找到你 Thank God I Found You
感谢上帝保佑 Thank you for the blessin
我感谢上帝 i thank God
感谢上帝让我们在一起 And thank God were together
感谢上帝让我遇见你 Thank God I met you ; Thank God I found you
感谢上帝让我俩在一起 And thank God we're together
他感谢上帝 he thanked the god
感谢上帝让我遇见了你 Thank God I found you ; Thank God I met you
感谢上帝详细 thank God for
为什么感谢上帝啊 Why thank God
I have something to look forward to in this world now, thank God!
We must thank God to-day that He has made you able to walk, Clara.
In Lycidas Milton doesn't let himself, thank God, go quite so far as he does in this amazing ending to "Damon's Epitaph."
Spotted fever in purples for example, which we call measles, was a significant cause of death as was the plague, which we don't have anymore, thank goodness.
So, thank goodness, Stony triumphed.