成品质量管理 Finish or Final Quality Control ; Product quality management ; Finished product quality control
成品重量 finish product weight ; finished weight ; [纺] product grammage
成品含量测定 finished products assaying
成品质量指标控制情况 Control of product quality indicators ; Product quality index control
成品位量办理 finish or final quality control
成品质量检查 quality inspection of finished products
成品收缩预留量 shrinkage allowance
成品质量控制 FQCFinal Quality Control
In fact, if measured on a value-added basis (to exclude the cost of imported components), China's exports to America account for less than 5% of its GDP.
Norcal is constantly striving to recycle more, and to improve the purity of the processed waste it produces.
The product was not needed in bulk until it was well-enough made to be used in the expanding shipping industry, and for cars and other manufactured goods that were used by consumers and industry.