n. opisthenar
misc. the back of the hand
... ʃɔ:l] (女用)披肩,围巾 the back of the hand 手背 lend a child by the hand 牵着一个孩子 ...
手腕及前臂远端扩张皮瓣治疗手背皮片移植术后瘢痕 关键词]组织扩张;手背;瘢痕;皮片移植 [gap=1254]Key words: tissue expansion; dorsum of hand; scars; skin grafting
手背藏牌 back palm ; bair-conk pingm
我的手背 Back Of My Hand
手背静脉网 [解剖] dorsal venous rete of hand ; [解剖] Rete venosum dorsale manus
尺神经手背支 [解剖] dorsal branch of ulnar nerve ; ulnar nerve dorsal branch
手背筋膜 [解剖] dorsal fascia of hand ; [解剖] Fascia dorsalis manus
手背藏 Backpalm
手背热 feverishness on dorsum of hand
单车-骑手背-葡紫牌 Bicycle Rider Back Purple Deck
单车-骑手背-艳黄牌 Bicycle Rider Back Yellow Deck