... overtime pay 加班费 punch the clock 打卡 time recorder 听说五险一金缴纳比例打卡机 ...
... punch the time clock (打卡); punch in (out) (打上(下)班卡); confirm the day's schedule (确认一天的工作表); ...
打卡机 time recorder ; punch machine ; card punch ; Punch card machine
打卡员 Keypunch Operator ; card puncher
打卡钟 time recorder ; time clock ; punch clock
打卡上班 punch in ; punctual ; Clock Out
上班打卡 Clock in ; punch in ; work and punch card ; Punch work
打卡碟 cracked CD
打卡下班 clock off ; clock out ; punch out ; Clock In
打卡器 Punches ; Clock Card ; RO ; SI-Station
线性打卡钟 LTC LineTimeClock ; line time clock