报(拼音:bào)是现代汉语常用字,最早字形见于商代甲骨文。报是会意字,左边是一个刑具,右边是一只手抓住一个人,表示治人之罪,本意为制服、判决罪人。判决罪人需上报,由此引申为报告,如报案;由报告又引申为告诉、传达、通知、报答、报复、报应等义;由“告诉”引申,指回答,如报仇、报偿;又用作名词,指告诉或传达信息的各种载体,如电报、简报、报刊等。报在古代又通“赴”,义为急速。 (基本信息栏主要参考资料: )
报纸 [社科] Newspaper ; journal ; paper ; gazette ; newspaper
日报 daily newspaper ; daily ; journal ; daily reports
华尔街日报 The Wall Street Journal ; "The Wall Street Journal" ; WSJ ; Wall Street Journa
太阳报 The Sun ; Sun Newspaper ; Vancouver Sun ; El Sol de Mexico
晚邮报 Evening Post ; Corriere
少数派报告 Minority Report ; Minority Report-Everybody Runs ; Mlno rlty Report ; Minority Report Archives ; minority report
每日电讯报 The Daily Telegraph ; The Telegraph ; The Daily
独立报 The Independent ; The lndependent UK ; Merdeka
电报 [通信] telegraph ; [通信] telegram ; cable ; Wire
So, they reduced the size, so it looks like one of those-- like New York Daily News newspapers now.
Yeah. We talk about the San Francisco Chronicle all the time. It's like the main newspaper for the city.
OK, so far though, I've just shown you what happens inside a peace a code. It raises an exception. It goes to that accept clause. We don't have to use it just inside of one place.