编码信息:五笔86/98: rajg,仓颉: qta,郑码: dek,四角号码: 54061,Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U+63AA。基本意思:安放,安排,处置,筹划办理,弃置。 另外:藏语中的“湖”发音cuo,汉译为错或措,后者如巴松措、羊卓雍措。
Ps22Pdf 关 键 词 : 超 滤 技 术 ; 三 聚 氰 胺 ; 措 施 [gap=590]Keywords: super-micro filtering technique; melamine; measure
战略举措 strategic steps ; Strategic measures ; strategical step
“两规”措施 the practice of shuanggui (A form of intraparty disciplinary action that requires a Party member under investigation to cooperate with questioning at a designated place and a designated time.) ; practice of shuanggui
强制措施 compulsory measures ; enforcement action ; [法] coercive measure
不知所措 at a loss ; at one's wit's end ; all at sea
侦查措施 criminal investigation ; investigation measure ; investigative measures ; criminal investigation measure
措美县 Comai County
改革举措 reform measure
惠民举措 initiatives to benefit the people
安全措施 [安全] safety measures ; safety precaution ; security measure ; safety practice