基本信息 部首:手 拼音:mó 部外笔画:11 总笔画:14 汉字首尾分解:莫手 汉字部件分解:莫手 笔顺读写:横 竖 竖 竖 横折 横 横 横 撇 捺 撇 横 横 竖弯勾
摹本(模仿) copy; imitation; replica; mimesis ; copy; imitation; replica
客观临摹 Objective Copying
摹状与规律 mo zhuang and law(s); (description of an idea and the useful laws for this work mo zhuang (Chinese phrase meaning description of an idea); a theory developed by Prof. JinYuelin with regard to the understanding of an idea; which he believes; starts from symbolizing this idea with the help of pre-established law(s). But in a round-about way; this description will certainly enrich existing law(s); which means mo zhuang and law(s) coexist and reinforce each other in such a generalization process.) description and prescription
模写(又作摹写) mimesis; signification; copying
摹状词理论 Theory of Descriptions ; description theory
临摹 tracing ; copy ; imitate ; Imitating
摹拟 imitate ; mimic ; imitation ; simulate
诹嵉摹 Elsa ; Rita ; Elsie
摹仿 imitate ; apery ; take example by ; echo
描摹 depict ; trace ; imitation ; portray