... support circuits, bubble memory 磁泡记忆器支持电路 support level 支 援 水 平 support process, attached 附接支持处理机 ...
因此,这一手 术已经超越了下颌升支(Ramus),若将其术名修改 为”下颌骨矢状劈开截骨术”(SagittalSplitMandible Osteotomy),似乎更加贴切,这一观点尚待商榷.
支票 cheque ; [金融] Check ; advice of drawing ; CHQ Cheque
支流 [地理] [水文] tributary ; [地理] [水文] affluent ; [地理] [水文] branch ; tributaries streams
分支机构 local office ; Branches ; ROBO ; Branch Offices
支持 in favor of ; Support ; back up ; in support of
人民币跨境支付系统 China International Payment System (CIPS) ; (the RMB)Cross-border Interbank Payment System(CIPS); the RMB cross-border payment system ; the RMB cross-border payment system ; CIPS
分支 [计] [核] BRANCH ; [科技] ramification ; offshoot ; fork
转移支付 transfer payment; government transfer; transfer ; transfer payments ; transfer payment
支气管 bronchus ; [解剖] bronchi ; broncho ; main bronchus
支气管炎 [内科] bronchitis ; bronchite ; Bmnchitis ; Bronchiolitis
Now, it hit France too; BNP Paribas is a major French bank and it had a couple of, well, several funds.
I mean, you've been banging on that pen for a long time and I don't understand why.
As the two armies approach each other, I should make it clear, they start out walking at a certain clip.