n. reform ; innovation ; reformation ; revolution
vi. innovate
高职液压与气动技术课程实践教学改革探索-毕业论文的格式 关键词 液压与气动技术;实践 教学;改革 [gap=627]Key words hydraulic and pneumatic technology; practical teaching; innovation
工程管理专业土木工程材料课程教学改革研究_教育教学论文 关键词 工程管理 土木工程材料 教学 改革 [gap=603]Key wordsProject Management; civil engineering materials; teaching; reformation
论东晋南北朝道教的改革(Transform)与发展刘琳《历史研究(Seminar)》1981年5期 天师道的创立(Create)及其沿革郭树森 《江西社会科学》 1980年5—6期
经济体制改革 economic structural reform ; the reform of the economic system ; the reform of economic system ; economic restructuring
全面深化改革 deepening the reform comprehensively ; comprehensively expanding in-depth reform ; furthering the reform ; to take comprehensive measures to continue the reform; to deepen the reform across the board
土地改革 [经] land reform ; reform the land use rights ; the land reform; the agrarian reform ; agrarian reform
改革红利 benefits of reform ; reform benefits ; reform dividend
深化改革 further reform ; to deepen reform ; continuing the reform ; deepen the reform
国有企业改革 reform of state-owned enterprises ; the reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) ; SOE reform
改革发展稳定 reform; development and stability ; balancing reform, development and stability ; balancing reform; development and stability
科技体制改革 scientific and technological system reform; the reform of the scientific and technological system ; reform of the science and technology management system ; further scientific and technological system reform
全面改革 be pushed forward in an all-round way with all kinds of reforms ; the overall reform
This is a great reform of a rural system.
参考来源 - 税费改革后安徽农田水利基本建设机制研究The fourth part: the relevant reform proposals.
参考来源 - 审判委员会运作现状调查(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We find ourselves in today's reading, Areopagitica in the middle of the English Revolution, sometimes called the Puritan Revolution.
Notably, on Monday, the Treasury Department, under Secretary Henry Paulson, announced a proposal for fundamental change in our financial markets.
And just as important as the radical churches and the reformed sects is for Hobbes the university and its curriculum.