n. beat ; overcharge
misc. fleece sb.
... knock off 下班,停工,很快地写出文章 knock sb up 匆匆做饭,敲门把某人叫醒,使某人疲倦 knock at 敲(门) knock sb up 把某人叫醒 ...
当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happyness ; Persuit of Happiness ; The Pursuit ; The Pursuit of Happy
敲打 BEATRIX ; Beateix ; knock ; percussion
基因敲除 Gene knockout ; knockout ; APoE KO ; APOE
敲击 Knock ; drub ; rap ; beat
敲诈 [法] blackmail ; extort ; shark up ; rip off
敲敲爱上你 Knock Knock Loving You ; Knock Knock Lovin ; Knock
无需敲门 Don't Bother to Knock ; Don'tBothertoKnock
敲门砖 First Things First ; stepping stone ; English as a Door Opener
敲三下 Knock Three Times ; Knock Three Times­ ; Knock three time
And in that emphasis on the dark side of schooling, should give pause to adults who were looking for an understanding of why something like Columbine comes about.
If it was sound that was being received that might be beating of a drum, for example, that sound gets transduced.
hi3 Whereas Hi3, I just created, it happens to live in this directory but my computer doesn't know that so you do dot slash which says current directory.