数字 Numbers ; [计] digit ; [数] Figure ; numerical digit ; number
数字鸿沟 digital divide ; the “digital divide” ; Digital Gap ; digiting divide
数字中国 make itself a digital country ; "Digital China" ; Digital China
数字化 digitalization ; digitizing ; [计] digitization ; [计] digitize
数字签名 [计] Digital Signature ; digitally signed ; Digital Sign
综合业务数字网 Integrated Services Digital Network ; ISDN ; otn management system ; Integrated service data network
数字信号处理 [自] [通信] Digital Signal Processing ; DSP ; DSP Blocks ; Oppenheim & Schafer
数字时代 the digital era ; digital times ; digital age ; stuff
数字版权管理 digital rights management ; DRM ; WMDRM ; OMA DRM
有效数字 [计] significant figure ; significant digit ; effective figure ; valid figure
Digital certificate is an effectual measure.
参考来源 - CA认证中心的研究与应用DDS is digital synthesizer technique.
DDS 是一种数字合成技术。
参考来源 - 基于DSP的任意波形发生器的研究The most crucial problem would be that the humanities are reformed according to the pattern of engineering or social sciences. Various academic projects and the culture of valuation are daily influenced by a vicious criteria of numbers and stereotypes.
参考来源 - 当代中国人文学之“内外兼修”Number is the medium. Numbers in their own unique manner are undertaken to complete the function of form in art and design, and duties of their cultural communication.
参考来源 - 中国传统数字文化思维与艺术设计Numerals are closely related to our life.
参考来源 - 文化空缺视角下的英汉数字文化内涵比较Mr. Wang Xijie's "the figure rhetoric" in
参考来源 - 汉语数变格的再认识·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures.
Okay so exchange numbers; okay good half of that problem is gone now we have just these two left.
The same nations and the short life expectancy of birth probably the lowest quality of life in other areas.
And here, I'm going to suggest we've seen numbers, we've seen strings, and I'm going to add Booleans here as well.