明显,汉语词汇。 拼音:míng xiǎn 释义:指清楚地显露出来,容易让人看出或感觉到。 出处:《墨子·明鬼下》:“拟乎鬼神之明显。”
韩国队(South Korea)近来进步明显(Clear),另外一支预选赛晋级的球队实力应该也不差。由于比赛(Game)是单循环赛制,因此这五场比赛,场场都是生死之战,不容有任何闪失。
明显的 [科技] Obvious ; apparent ; evident ; distinct
明显抬头 positive signs
生态环境明显改善 marked improvement in environment
全社会法治观念明显增强 public awareness of the rule of law has risen markedly
区域发展协调性明显增强 regional development becomes much more balanced
明显地 obviously ; clearly ; evidently
科技和教育支撑能力明显提升 Science; technology and education are playing a bigger role in driving economic development
明显趋势 noticeable trend
明显地表示 demonstrate ; show ; display ; demo trate
It's the sage and serious doctrine of virginity that concludes the speech. It's clear that something's happened between 1634 and 1637.
And now you are on a council advising the president on how to move forward obviously in a pluralistic nation.
Some abstraction is also apparent in the shift from visual to aural imagery in describing God's self-manifestations or theophanies.