非洲棕榈松鼠 Epixerus
地松鼠 Marmotini ; [脊椎] ground squirrel ; Xerus inauris ; Richardson's Ground Squirrel
明纹花松鼠 Tamiops mcclellandii ; Himalayan Striped Squirrel
巨松鼠 Ratufa bicolor ; black giant squirrel ; Ratufa gigantea ; Ratufa affinis
大宫松鼠 Omiya Ardija ; Yokoyama
树松鼠 Sciurini ; tree squirrel
蓝腹松鼠 Callosciurus pygerythrus ; Irrawaddy Squirrel
日本松鼠 japanese squirrel ; Sciurus lis ; lis
Ground squirrels are normally active by day and sleep at night.
The squirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.
Otherwise you could have a squirrel host-- I'm using squirrels, because I think that's funnier than other animals to think of— but it could be any potential host, right?
Because if it was a disease that was carried by both humans and squirrels, for example, then in order to get rid of it on the planet, you'd have to vaccinate not only all the people but all the squirrels, right?