枇杷叶粉末 Loquat Leaf ; Loquat Leaf Folium Eriobtryae ; Fortune Eupatorium Herb Herba Eupatorii
枇杷叶提取物 Loquat Leaf Extract ; Folium Eriobotryae P.E ; Loquat Leaf ; Usolicacid
枇杷叶紫珠 Callicarpa kochiana ; Callicarpa konchiana Makino ; kochiana ; kochiana makino
枇杷叶荚蒾 Viburnum rhytidophyllum
枇杷叶珊瑚 Aucuba eriobotryaefolia
常太枇杷叶 changtai loquat leaf
枇杷叶粉 Loquat Leaf Powder
枇杷叶灰木 Symplocos stellaris
In Chapter Four,a method based on CE-ED with the aid of microwave-assisted solvent extraction was developed for the determination of catechin,rutin,kaempferol, gentistic acid,and quercetin in Folium Eriobotryae.
参考来源 - 毛细管电泳电化学检测中药有效成分和电化学指纹图谱研究The loquat leaf polysaccharide indicated to the molecular material protective function result that LLPS I to the DNA chain, the basic group and the DNA ribodesose all has certain protective function.
参考来源 - 枇杷叶多糖分离纯化及生物活性研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Flowers of Magnolia liliflora Desr.and leaves of Eriobotrya japonica are important potential resources.
Aim to study immunoregulatory actions of triterpene acids loquat leaf (TAL).
Loquat leaf, a kind of plant resources for Chinese medicine, is applied in every aspect.